In Q4 2020, I created a content management system (CMS) and deployed it at
I created the Artifacts Management Database so I could track use of my possessions according to a modified version of The Minimalists’ 90/90 Rule. I want to make sure I have used each of my books either within the last 180 days or plan to use them in the next 180 days. This site allows me (and any user who creates an account on the site) to create a list of objects they want to track. Then they can record their uses of those objects and generate a list of use-by dates for each object. The use-by dates generated abide by my 180/180 rule, so users can get a sense for what items they keep and haven’t used for a while. Users on the site have the ability to create, read, update, and delete data they enter. The record new uses form has an Ajax search box that allows users to search through their objects for the precise name, preventing them from needing to remember whether they entered the leading definite article in a title of a book they just read.
I wrote the site in PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, Ajax, CSS, HTML, PHPMailer, and English.